Bowling Green Historic Tour

Beginning this spring, hop aboard the Bowling Green Trolley for a fully narrated tour highlighting the rich and vibrant history of our beautiful city! Learn how Bowling Green got its name, find out why the city was occupied by the Union and Confederacy during the Civil War, and discover how it emerged from the ashes of war to become a popular tourist destination and the home of one of America’s most iconic sports cars!

Just some points of interest include:

  • The National Corvette Museum
  • Fountain Square and the Capitol Theatre
  • Reservoir Hill and Fort CF Smith
  • The Historic RailPark & Train Museum and the L&N Depot
  • Western Kentucky University and the Kentucky Museum
  • The Modern Automotive District and the Dixie Highway
  • The Shake Rag Historic District

The current Historic City Tour schedule is run on Fridays & Saturdays through the end of  October 2023. A complete tour is expected to last approximately 90 minutes. The tour departs from the National Corvette Museum’s front entrance which is most accessible from Gate A.
